Humble Forager Elevated Perspective v5

Mustafa: Do you know what you would like this evening, sir?
Ego: Yes, I think I do. After hearing a lot of over-heated puffery about your new cook, do you know what I’m craving? A little… perspective. That’s it. I’d like some fresh, clear, well-seasoned perspective. Can you suggest a good wine to go with that?
Mustafa: With what, sir?
Ego: Perspective, fresh out, I take it?
[Mustafa is confused and stays silent]
Ego: Very well. Since you are all out of perspective and no one else seems to have it in this bloody town, I’ll make you a deal: you provide the food, I’ll provide the perspective, which would go nicely with a bottle of Cheval Blanc 1947.
I think I will take my perspective from Humble Forager Brewery out of Waunakee, WI. Something good is “brewing” up in Waunakee. Some great beers coming out of that region. I grabbed this beer specifically because it had “oat” on the label. The last oat beer that I had I absolutely loved so I figured, let’s see if this will be similar. Wow, this is a great beer. The beer pours thick and rich with a nice creamy head. The mouthfeel is creamy but with a slight bite to it. The aromas are sweet, thick and tropical. Flavors are rich and topical with that nice bite on the end. This is a damn fine beer. I would usually assume the “bite” is coming from the alcohol, but at 8% this is barely an imperial. Perhaps it is from the hops used in this brew. I quite enjoy the overall experience of the fruit, bite and creamy texture.
Rating 9.2